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Our company belongs to the executive management unit of the Laboratory Instrumentation sections of the China Instrument and Control Society and the China Instrument Manufacturer Association.

Our company’s leadership participated in China’s 5th to 7th Five-Year Scientific Instrumentation Development Plan, as well as in the drafting of China’s national standards for high-speed refrigerated centrifuges and for the microwave transmission moisture determination method for latex.

Our HR/T20MM Free-Standing Centrifuge obtained designation as a National High-Quality Instrument. The 3H Smart High-Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge won the silver Entrepreneurship Award, and the Moisture Analyzer won the gold Entrepreneurship Award.

Hunan HereXi Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd. Copyright
Address:007 Xiang Yi Road, Wangcheng Poe, Yuelu District, Changsha
Tel:86-0731-88142288 Fax:0731-85133755 Email:ken_zeng-sales@hexiyiqi.com